2024:163 - 39 High Street, Magheraboy, Sligo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Sligo Site name: 39 High Street, Magheraboy

Sites and Monuments Record No.: SL014-065- Licence number: 24E0021

Author: Tamlyn McHugh

Site type: Ditch - possible town defenses

Period/Dating: Post Medieval (AD 1600-AD 1750)

ITM: E 569152m, N 835682m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.269018, -8.473563

The proposed development entails the construction of a housing scheme and all associated services within the Zone of Archaeological Potential for RMP SL014-065---- Historic Town.
Features and objects of an archaeological nature were noted during the test trenching of the proposed development area. Two test trenches were excavated running west-east through demolition material associated with the building that formerly existed at the site. Below the stone and rubble in this demolition material was blackened organic soil with shell and animal bone inclusions. This blackened material did not occur under the footprint of the former building that fronted on to High Street, natural soil was encountered here, however a shell midden was uncovered near the entrance to the site. A U-shaped ditch cut into the natural boulder clay was observed in both test trenches. It was filled with the black soil with oyster shell and butchered bone, and contained broken ceramic and glass objects that appear to be post-medieval in date. The ditch measured 2.4m wide (north-south) and 1.85m deep.
A review of the historic map showing the plan of the town and forts shows the re-trenched earthen entrenchments by Luttrell in 1689. On this map the entrenchment is indicated south of High Street, where the line of the 17th-century town’s defences extends from High Street westwards to the rear of St John’s Cathedral.

The proposed development will have a direct impact on these archaeological features. Due to the occurrence of archaeological objects of probable 17th-century date, the possible entrenchment ditch of the 17th-century town defences and the midden, it is recommended that the development area should be subject to archaeological excavation as preservation in situ is not an option on this site. 

Cooldrumman Upper, Carney, Co. Sligo