County: Mayo Site name: Balla GAA
Sites and Monuments Record No.: NA Licence number: 24E0284
Author: Patrick Walsh
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: N/A
ITM: E 524914m, N 784351m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.803277, -9.139888
Archaeological testing was carried out at Balla GAA, Co. Mayo, as required by the local planning authority (planning permission) to construct a new pitch, new astro turf training area/pitch, equipment store, extension to eastern and southern end of existing clubhouse. Consultation had taken place between the Applicant and the Senior Archaeologist from the planning department in Mayo County Council. The test trenches were excavated as per the licence application and method statement. Topsoil varied from 0.48-0.8m deep. The natural varied from an orange compacted stony subsoil to a greyer compacted natural boulder clay. Nothing of archaeological significance was encountered.
Murneen South