County: Donegal Site name: Cois Abhainn, St Johnston
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 24E0011
Author: AndrĂ¡s Hindli
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: N/A
ITM: E 634455m, N 909422m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.931316, -7.462410
A programme of archaeological testing consisting of the excavation of 9 linear trenches (445m in total) was carried out within lands adjacent to Cois Abhainn housing estate, Saint Johnston townland, St Johnston, County Donegal. The majority of the trenches revealed modern agricultural traces in the form of furrows and occasional roots disturbance. Generally, the topsoil consisted of a mid-brown sandy clay containing occasional small sub-angular stones and modern ceramic inclusions. The underlaying subsoil consisted mainly of a mottled brownish-orange sandy clay, with occasional bands and patches of yellowish-grey clay and small sub-angular stone inclusions. Modern disturbance was noted in the proximity of the existing housing estate.
No features, or deposits of archaeological consequence were observed within any of the trenches excavated.
Burnside, St Oran's Rd, Buncrana, County Donegal