County: Cork Site name: Knocknagarrane, Bandon
Sites and Monuments Record No.: n/a Licence number: 24E0485
Author: Peter Looney
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: N/A
ITM: E 547446m, N 553656m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.732790, -8.760844
A programme of archaeological test trenching was commissioned at Knocknagarrane, Bandon, County Cork in May 2024. The work entailed the excavation of 15 trenches with a combined length of 1,435m, some of which targeted anomalies identified from a geophysical survey (detection device licence 24R0189) that was undertaken at the site in March 2024. No anomalies that would indicate certain archaeological activity had been identified from the geophysical survey, however, several anomalies of archaeological potential were noted. Some of the test trenches were positioned to investigate these anomalies, while the remainder consisted of regular testing to assess the archaeological potential across the site.
Evidence of modern agricultural activity, drainage and former field boundaries were encountered; however, no artefacts, features or deposits of archaeological significance were revealed within the excavated test trenches. Specifically, none of the geophysical anomalies targeted were archaeological in nature.
3a Westpoint Trade Centre, Link Road, Ballincollig, Cork