2023:326 - Rathquarter, Sligo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Sligo Site name: Rathquarter

Sites and Monuments Record No.: SL014-065014- Licence number: C001178 E005489

Author: Tamlyn McHugh

Site type: No archaeology found

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 569644m, N 836257m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.274214, -8.466068

The development work entailed enhancement and alteration works on the left side of the road of the Hospital Link Road. The proposed works involve the excavation of a 2.5m high bank of subsoil and placing of gabion baskets, drainage pipes, street lighting and a concrete path.

The proposed development is within the zone of archaeological notification for a Bastioned Fort (SL014-065014-) known as the Greenfort; it is a National Monument in ownership of the local authority, Sligo County Council, and is under a Preservation Order. The development is also within the zone of archaeological potential for Sligo Historic Town (SL014-065).

The site inspection took place on 14 October 2022.  No finds or features of archaeological significance were noted during the site inspection. It was recommended in the Archaeological Assessment report that any groundworks involved in the proposed development be subject to archaeological monitoring, with provision being made for full recording and excavation of any archaeological features or deposits which may be exposed.

Monitoring was conducted under Ministerial Consent (C001178; E005489) and took place over various dates in May 2023, using a mechanical excavator. The Bastioned Fort was cordoned off from the works area by using temporary fencing in order that those present were fully aware of the location of the monument, and that no access was permitted within the constraint zone for the monument.

No material, features, deposits, or objects of an archaeological nature were observed during the monitoring of groundworks associated with enhancement and alteration works on the left side of Connaughton Road and the Hospital Link Road.

Cooldrumman Upper, Carney, Co. Sligo