2022:394 - 24 Galtee View, Bansha (Bansha West), Tipperary

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Tipperary Site name: 24 Galtee View, Bansha (Bansha West)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 22E0263

Author: Niall Gregory

Site type: Suburban; no archaeology found


ITM: E 595433m, N 632998m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.448426, -8.067184

The client, Bridget Ferris, undertook construction of extension to the rear of 24 Galtee View, Bansha, Co. Tipperary. Associated site works include demolition of a shed at the rear of the property. The extension was appended to the rear of a two-storey terraced modern dwelling and the footprint of the former shed (now demolished). Condition No. 6 of the Planning Permission specifies a requirement for archaeological monitoring of all associated groundworks. This took place on 12 May 2022.
At commencement of monitoring the garage had been demolished and removed. Similarly, the intervening concrete yard between the garage and the rear of the house had been broken and mostly removed. This exposed an underlying surface of dark yellow-brown compact sandy silt as underlying natural subsoil. The subsoil was truncated with exiting services associated with the 1980's original house construction. Foundation trenches were excavated to a depth of 0.3-0.6m and width of 0.6m. It was found that the subsoil remained consistent throughout the trench wall profiles, but with decayed stone inclusions.
No archaeology was encountered.

Dunburbeg, Clonmel Road, Cashel, Co. Tipperary