2022:266 - Slane Road, Drogheda, Louth

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Louth Site name: Slane Road, Drogheda

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 22E0635

Author: Deirdre Murphy, Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit Ltd

Site type: Burial


ITM: E 707100m, N 775666m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.719660, -6.377298

The site at Slane Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth, was archaeologically assessed by test trenching. The assessment involved the excavation of eight test trenches within the site, each measuring 1.8m in width with a total of 457m of linear trenches excavated. The test trenches were excavated down to the natural subsoil, which varied from orange boulder clay to stony grey gravel. Evidence of an infilled gravel quarry in the south-east area of the site was exposed in three of the trenches. No archaeological features or deposits were identified within the excavated trenches. Human remains were, however, exposed in the east section of Trench 6. This burial rested on gravel subsoil and was therefore in danger of collapse. Following consultation with An Garda Síochána, The National Monuments Services and the National Museum of Ireland, it was agreed to excavate the burial in order to prevent further damage to the remains. An area measuring 5m2 surrounding the burial was cleaned back but failed to identify evidence of any
additional burials.
The burial was excavated by osteoarchaeologist Glenn Gibney and preliminary assessment identified a single flexed adult inhumation (SK1) lying on its left-hand side with the head to the south-west. This individual was within a grave cut (C3) that was difficult to discern but estimated to measure 1.9m in length
(north-east/south-west), 0.42m in width and approximately 0.4m in depth. The grave fill (C4) was a mid- to dark brown gravel clay with frequent medium- and small-sized stones. A single quartz stone (22E0635:4:1) was found at the pelvic region of SK1 and a cow tooth was found below the skeleton.
Full post-excavation analysis and radiocarbon dating is underway. It is recommended that any groundworks associated with the development of this site be subject to archaeological monitoring.

Unit 21 Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth. A92 DH99.