2022:655 - St Camillus', Shelbourne Road, Limerick, Limerick

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Limerick Site name: St Camillus', Shelbourne Road, Limerick

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 21E0055 ext.

Author: Elaine Lynch

Site type: Monitoring

Period/Dating: Modern (AD 1750-AD 2000)

ITM: E 556546m, N 657728m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.668981, -8.642459

Archaeological monitoring took place as part of the groundwork associated with the construction of an extension to St Camillus' hospital which includes a two-storey ward block extension and a single-storey ward block, a site compound, service trenches and secondary material storage location. St Camillus' contains within its curtilage four Protected Structures, RPS 339 Former Workhouse, RPS 340 Chapel, RPS 341 Rehabilitation Centre & RPS 342 Chimneystack. There was evidence of the remains of demolished buildings on the western side of the site, which dated to the 20th century. There were some old sod layers found across the site which when found contained 20th-century material such as modern glass, pottery, plastic, metal, paper and bricks. It was evident from the different areas which were archaeologically monitored that much of the site had been disturbed by modern services and 19th/20th-century structures associated with the hospital. Nothing of an archaeological nature was found during the monitoring.

Aegis Archaeology, 32 Nicholas Street, King's Island, Limerick