2022:177 - Blackland and Carnhill, Loughshinny, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Blackland and Carnhill, Loughshinny

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 22E0548

Author: Steven McGlade

Site type: Testing; pit


ITM: E 725820m, N 756650m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.544692, -6.101511

A programme of archaeological test-trenching was carried out on lands in Blackland and Carnhill, Loughshinny, Co. Dublin in July 2022. A geophysical survey (22R0253) was carried by Joanna Leigh in advance of the testing programme with no major features of archaeological potential identified.

Eight trenches were opened across the site with four short additional trenches opened to further investigate features. A ninth trench was added to confirm the full extent of the sole archaeological feature identified.

One feature of archaeological interest was identified during the testing programme in the south-east of the site. This was a large oblong and shallow pit, which contained burnt stone, burnt bone and charcoal. The feature had two fills with the upper fill resembling burnt mound material. No in situ burning was noted associated with the feature, though burnt stone was present, particularly within the upper fill. This may imply it is associated with a fulacht fiadh or burnt mound, however burnt bone was noted throughout the fill with at least one fragment appearing to be human foot phalange or toe bone. This may imply the feature is related to cremation activity. The elongated and shallow nature of the feature may imply it is a waste pit for activity taking place nearby, though there was no indication of additional features within the trenches opened during the testing programme.

To the north the large townland boundary ditch between Blackland and Carnhill was identified. A second large ditch was identified to the west corresponding to a former field boundary ditch. The remainder of the features related to agricultural drainage.

Archaeology Plan, 32 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2