2022:107 - Cill Leice Fórabháin, Cape Clear Island, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Cill Leice Fórabháin, Cape Clear Island

Sites and Monuments Record No.: Vicinity of CO153-010- -- Licence number: 22E0505

Author: Declan Moore

Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 497173m, N 522101m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.442254, -9.479227

A programme of archaeological testing of a site at Cill Leice Fórabháin (Killickaforavane), Cape Clear, Co. Cork, in advance of the replacement of an existing 15m-high disused wind turbine by an 18m high free-standing communications structure with its associated antennae, communication dishes, ground equipment, wooden fencing, and associated site development works was completed by the author on 2 August 2022.

The proposed structure lies 10m outside the 60m radius Zone of Notification for SMR CO153-010----, classified as a megalithic passage tomb, but within the archaeological constraint as shown on the RMP sheet. The much-denuded passage tomb was discovered in 1984 in advance of the erection of two wind turbines. The existing monopoles were sited downhill from the tomb to avoid any direct impacts.

The proposed replacement 18m monopole (5.8m x 5.8m tower foundation), ESB mini-pillar and operator cabinets will be secured by a 2.4m high wooden fence 9m x 7m with a double access wooden gate. An access route west to east from the local road at Croha East is extant.

Testing exposed nothing of archaeological significance. No finds or features were noted.

3 Gort na Rí, Athenry, Co. Galway