2022:043 - Cork City, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Cork City

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO074-034001- Licence number: 00E5315

Author: Avril Purcell

Site type: Historic town


ITM: E 567146m, N 571594m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.895534, -8.477354

Two test pits were excavated within the historic city in advance of proposed upgrading of infrastructure in the area. One was excavated on the landward side of the quay wall in the grounds of the former Beamish and Crawford Brewery, overlooking French's Quay. No trace of a wall inside the quay wall was identified suggesting the quay wall is on the line of the town wall, as previously proposed by Maurice Hurley (pers. comm.)
A second test pit was excavated on Keyser's Hill, adjacent to the wall of Elizabeth Fort (bastioned fort CO074-039001-). The wall of the fort extended approximately 0.8m below the road surface, stepping out slightly at 0.3m below. A number of live services extended along Keyser's Hill limiting further investigation.

Lane Purcell Archaeology, 64 Fr Mathew Rd, Turner's Cross, Cork