2022:040 - Our Lady Of Lourdes Hospital, Midleton, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Our Lady Of Lourdes Hospital, Midleton

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO076-107 Licence number: 22E0129

Author: Philip Quilty, Rubicon Heritage

Site type: Testing, post-medieval workhouse

Period/Dating: Modern (AD 1750-AD 2000)

ITM: E 588230m, N 574042m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.918383, -8.171099

The site of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital was formerly the site of the Union Workhouse and is listed within the Record of Monuments and Places (CO076-107). The former workhouse building is also listed as a Protected Structures (RPS Reg. No. 07) within the Midleton Development Plan 2013. In addition, five of the upstanding former workhouse structures are included within the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) and include: Workhouse administration block (NIAH Reg. No: 20830008), a church/chapel (NIAH Reg. No: 20830009), a hospital/infirmary (NIAH Reg. No: 20830010), a hospital infirmary (NIAH Reg. No: 20830011) and gates/railings/walls (NIAH Reg. No.: 20830012). All of these are located to the west of the proposed site.

The results from the test trenching investigation established that a number of sub-surface walls and masonry features associated with the north-eastern boundary wall, the Mortuary building, and the internal yard divisions associated with the infirmary of the original Union Workhouse as depicted on the 6’’, 25’’ and Cassini Ordinance Survey maps (1837-1937) were identified in the central area of the proposed site. Traces of early modern agricultural activity and land management possibly predating the construction of the Union Workhouse were also encountered. No pre-1700 archaeological material was present at the proposed development site.

Office 8 Domnick Court, 41 Lower Domnick St, Dublin 2