2022:033 - Toughbaun, Drinagh, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Toughbaun, Drinagh

Sites and Monuments Record No.: NA Licence number: 22E0139

Author: Philip Quilty, Rubicon Heritage

Site type: Testing, No archaeology found


ITM: E 519988m, N 544437m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.646688, -9.156179

A programme of archaeological test trenching was undertaken at a proposed development site at Toughbaun, Drinagh County Cork. It is situated on the south side of the L4234 and is bounded by Drinagh Co-Op to the south and west and by agricultural fields and residential properties to the east.

The proposed development site is located within the zone of archaeological potential for a burial ground (CO120-056002-). There is also a recorded location of a standing stone (CO120-056001) situated approximately 70m to the north-west of the proposed development and a ringfort (CO120-056003-) approximately 100m to the north-east of the proposed development site.

A total of seven test trenches were excavated across the proposed development land — a site measuring c. 0.1 hectares. The test trenches targeted the results of the preceding geophysical survey (Areas A–E)

The results from the test trenching investigation established that some of the features encountered correspond to geophysical anomalies. Most of the 22 features described as isolated deposits or geological features (E) corresponded to very large boulders situated throughout the development area. Features A, B, C corresponded to agricultural activity consisting of field division and possible ploughing. Feature D, which was believed to be geological in nature, was not encountered.

No archaeological remains or features were encountered during these works.

Office 8 Domnick Court, 41 Lower Domnick St, Dublin 2