County: Cork Site name: Castletownsend
Sites and Monuments Record No.: None Licence number: 21E0763
Author: Margaret McCarthy
Site type: No archaeology
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 518485m, N 531478m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.530000, -9.174884
An archaeological test excavation was undertaken in a greenfield location to the north of St Barrahanes`s Church and Graveyard in Castletownsend in response to a request for further information from Cork County Council. The field is scheduled for development as the site of a new Waste Water Treatment Plant for the village and the works will involve the construction of the treatment plant as well as the installation of a rising main and a gravity sewer from the village to the treatment plant. Five test trenches were excavated along the proposed route of the rising main leading from the village to the site of the waste water treatment plant. The test excavation identified a stone drain of unknown date to the immediate north-west of the north wall of St Barrahane`s graveyard. It has been recommended that the section of the drain that will be directly impacted by trenching be fully excavated prior to the commencement of groundworks in this area of the field.
Rostellan, Midleton, Co. Cork