2021:509 - High Street, Mullaghmonaghan, Monaghan Town, Monaghan

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Monaghan Site name: High Street, Mullaghmonaghan, Monaghan Town

Sites and Monuments Record No.: n/a Licence number: 21E0310

Author: Eoin Halpin

Site type: Urban - no archaeology found


ITM: E 666969m, N 833855m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.249152, -6.972407

The site was visited in June 2021 with a view to monitoring ground reduction works on site under license. However it was apparent that considerable ground reduction, particularly at the upslope north-western end of the site had already taken place. This area of the site was examined with evidence that the exposed surfaces represented natural subsoil layers, a yellow-brown compacted stony glacial till.
Examination of the exposed section faces suggested that reduction had taken place to a depth of some 1m below the level of the old ground surface, visible in the northern section. The reduction was similar in depth along the western boundary of the site.
A close examination of the exposed sections along the western and northern boundaries did not reveal anything which suggested the presence of archaeologically significantly features or deposits. The only artefacts recovered from the buried old ground surfaces and associated layers were modern glass, red brick fragments and a modern agricultural stone-lined field drain was noted along the mid-point of the western section.
Nothing of archaeological significance was noted across the site.

AHC Ltd 36 Ballywillwill Road, Castlewellan Co Down BT31 9LF