2021:467 - Kilcloony, Galway

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Galway Site name: Kilcloony

Sites and Monuments Record No.: GA016-062001 Licence number: 21E0682

Author: Martin Fitzpatrick

Site type: Tower-house


ITM: E 542276m, N 760555m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.591677, -8.871922

The archaeological works associated with conservation works at Kilcloony tower-house were undertaken in 2 phases. Phase 1 included monitoring the collection of rubble/stone from the area surrounding the tower-house and from the interior of the structure for re-use. No artefacts or features of archaeological significance were impacted by this work.

The second phase of work to secure the vaulted chamber at second-floor level from above necessitated archaeological testing and the monitoring of the works. Two trenches (Trench 1 and 2) were manually excavated across the chamber. Trench 1 was orientated roughly north-south and measured 4.5m x 1m. Trench 2 was orientated east-west and measured 5m x 1m. The testing recorded that the stone vault was in good condition throughout and comprised of a mix of stone and mortar. The vault was not centered in the middle of the room but positioned off-centre to the east with a gap in the west that was filled with clay layers. Subsequent to the testing the layer above the vault was manually removed. It consisted of loose clay and stones that had accumulated since the building fell into ruin. Occasional 19th-20th-century ceramic, rubble and moderate animal bone fragments were recovered from their layer. The original clay layers filling the haunch in the west were not disturbed. The work allowed for the plan of the building at this level to be recorded. While no more that 2-3 courses of the original walls survive, a doorway giving access to the subsidiary chamber and the base of a fireplace were recorded in the south wall at this level.

Old Church Street, Athenry, County Galway