2021:320 - 56 Inchicore Road, Kilmainham, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: 56 Inchicore Road, Kilmainham

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 21E0760

Author: Ian Russell

Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 712430m, N 733820m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.342649, -6.311602

Archaeological test trenching at the rear of the property at 56 Inchicore Road, Kilmainham, Dublin, within the grassed area, was carried out on 9 November 2021.
A total of 2 test trenches were excavated. Both trenches were east to west aligned and measured 1.3m in width. In total, 34m of linear trenches were excavated. In general, following the removal of a rich black organic topsoil and sod measuring between 0.32-0.4m, a mid-brown clay silt subsoil measuring c. 0.25m in depth was removed. It was sealing light brown stoney silty clay natural.
A number of north to south aligned agricultural furrows, measuring c. 0.3-0.4m in width, with modern ceramics and brick inclusions, were identified in both of the excavated trenches. In addition, in the west part of Trench 2, an irregular-shaped pit measuring 1.26m in length and 0.4m in width was uncovered; modern iron and ceramics were encountered but not retained.
No features of archaeological significance were exposed and no archaeological finds were encountered. The work is now complete.

Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit, Unit 21, Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth