2021:744 - Leitrim Street, Pine Street, Coburg Street, Devonshire Street, North City Link Road, Cork, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Leitrim Street, Pine Street, Coburg Street, Devonshire Street, North City Link Road, Cork

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO074-034001- Licence number: 18E0416

Author: Florence M. Hurley; Shanarc Archaeology Ltd.

Site type: Historic town


ITM: E 567549m, N 572356m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.902407, -8.471571

Archaeological monitoring of the ‘Eastern Strategic Link Water Main Replacement Scheme A’ water mains replacement works in part of the Zone of Archaeological Notification of the historic town of Cork (CO074-034001-) was carried out in February-May 2021.

Archaeological material was noted in a number of areas – this took the form of walls at the northern and southern ends of Leitrim Street. These were of 18th- or very early 19th-century date.

A metalled surface was located in Pine Street. This produced a single sherd of 17th-century pottery from its surface. The surface is likely to be of late 17th or 18th century in date. This surface was mostly below the level of the new water mains and remains in the western baulk.

A smaller section of metalling was located in Devonshire Street.

Masonry culverts were located in Devonshire Street and Coburg Street. Some of these had been reused with the insertion of plastic piping in the interior.

A small area of cobbled street surface was uncovered at the junction of Devonshire Street, Leitrim Street and Coburg Street. This is 19th or early 20th century in date.

Unit 39A, Hebron Business Park, Hebron Road, Kilkenny