County: Cork Site name: Killissane, Rathnacarton and Kilquane, Castletownroche Rehabilitation Scheme, Close Road, Castletownroche
Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO026-130, CO026-201, CO026-109 Licence number: 22E0149
Author: Kate Taylor
Site type: Non archaeological
Period/Dating: N/A
ITM: E 566100m, N 602200m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.170577, -8.495584
Monitoring was conducted of two parts of a water pipe laying scheme west of Castletownroche.
A 50m section of open-cut trench was observed on the north side of Close Road adjacent to burial ground C0026-130 in Killissane. No evidence of the burial ground was visible in the adjacent field, which had been recently ploughed. The trench was 0.6m wide and 1.4m deep, revealing that the modern road surface and underlying make-up layer, totalling 0.3m, directly overlies glacial till.
Elsewhere the pipe was laid by directional drilling and seven drill pits in a 500m length of pipe laying were monitored in the townland of Rathnacarron, close to known burnt stone deposits (CO026-201) and a vernacular house (CO026-109). The pits revealed road surface material 0.13-0.5m thick over glacial till.
No archaeological deposits or features were identified during monitoring.
TVAS (Ireland) Ltd, Ahish, Ballinruan, Crusheen, Co. Clare