2021:674 - Kilbrin Water Rehabilitation Scheme, Knockballymartin, Kilbrin, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Kilbrin Water Rehabilitation Scheme, Knockballymartin, Kilbrin

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO023-051001, CO023-051002, CO023-051003, CO023-312 Licence number: 21E0554

Author: Kate Taylor

Site type: Non archaeological

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 543650m, N 607110m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.212871, -8.824567

Monitoring of works on the Kilbrin Water Rehabilitation Scheme at Kilbrin encountered nothing of archaeological significance. Part of the water pipe, including adjacent to several Recorded Monuments, was laid in open-cut trenches, however other sections were laid by directional drilling and monitoring was therefore limited.

TVAS (Ireland) Ltd, Ahish, Ballinruan, Crusheen, Co. Clare