2021:599 - Lahardane, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Lahardane

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 21E0740

Author: Padraig Dunne

Site type: Prehistoric: kiln, ring ditch, pits and post-holes


ITM: E 568858m, N 575074m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.926914, -8.452795

Archaeological excavations at Lahardane townland targeted potential archaeological features identified during the original programme of archaeological test trenching undertaken in May 2021 (21E0247) and second phase of testing in July 2021 (21E0247 ext.) The excavation commenced on 13 June and was completed by 19 July 2022. The site extended over an area measuring 65m x 65m. In total 40 features and deposits of archaeological significance were identified and fully excavated within the site at Lahardane. These features included a ring-ditch and five associated burial features, a figure-of-eight-shaped kiln, an enclosing ditch and a scattering of pits, post- and stake-holes. Post-excavation works are ongoing.

John Cronin & Associates, 3A Westpoint Trade Centre, Ballincollig, Co. Cork