2021:701 - Knockyclovaun 1, Clare

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Clare Site name: Knockyclovaun 1

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: E005277

Author: Bruce Sutton for Rubicon Heritage Services Ltd

Site type: Pits, post- and stake-holes

Period/Dating: Undetermined

ITM: E 569127m, N 673368m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.810408, -8.457930

Excavation at Knockyclovaun 1 was undertaken as part of the Killaloe Bypass, Shannon Crossing and R494 Improvements Scheme, Archaeological Consultancy Services Contract (Phase 2). The excavation was carried out on behalf of, and funded by, Clare County Council.

The excavated features at Knockyclovaun 1 comprised of the following:
Knockyclovaun 1 (Area A)
A single phase of activity was identified at Knockyclovaun 1 (Area A) and comprised a single pit and deposit. No diagnostic material was recovered from Area A. Both pit [003] and a deposit (006) contained charcoal which may be provide a radiocarbon date for activity in Area A.
Knockyclovaun 1 (Area B)
A single phase of activity was identified at Knockyclovaun 1 (Area B) and comprised a burnt deposit (005). No further diagnostic material was recovered from Area B although (005) contained charcoal which may be provide a radiocarbon date for activity here. The presence of pyrolithic material suggests a general prehistoric date for the Phase I activities in Area B. This may be further narrowed down to a Bronze Age date based on general dating evidence of this monument type.
Knockyclovaun 1 (Area C)
Two phases of activity were identified at Knockyclovaun 1 (Area C). Phase I was represented by 132 stake-holes, 26 post-holes, five deposits, one slot trench and five pits. Phase II was represented by later agricultural furrows. Phase I Deposit (010) was cut by Phase II Furrow [053]. Phase I Post-hole [060] was cut by Phase II Furrow [073].
Pit [062] contained a single fill (052) with occasional charcoal flecks and occasional burnt bone inclusions. A single shard of possible prehistoric pottery was also recovered from (052) (E005277:052:001). Post-hole [284] contained a single fill (285) with occasional charcoal flecks and chunks. A possible stone scraper was recovered from fill (285) (E005277:285:001).
Further phasing of the Phase I deposits is not possible as only two pits [298] and [311] are stratigraphically related, with [311] cutting pit [298]. This may indicate that the features identified in Area C are broadly contemporaneous and represent a single extended phase of activity.
The most distinct feature within Area C is a dense triangular arrangement of stake-holes located to the east of the excavation. The sub-triangular stake-hole arrangement was broadly confined to the area between post-hole [234] to the north, post-hole [214] to the south-west, and slot trench [254] to the east. These stake-holes may represent the uprights of a screen or other semi-permanent structure defined by post-holes [234], [214] and slot trench [254].
Post-hole [013] located centrally within the excavated area showed evidence of in-situ burning at the base. It contained a single fill (271) with occasional small pebbles and heat-affected stones. Along with the possible prehistoric pottery recovered, the presence of pyrolithic material suggests a general prehistoric date for the Phase I activities in Area B. This may be further narrowed down to a Bronze Age date based on general dating evidence of this monument type.
Analysis of the environmental material recovered from samples at Area C has the potential to contribute to our interpretation of the function of the site.
Knockyclovaun 1 (Area D)
Two phases of activity were identified at Knockyclovaun 1 (Area D). Phase I was represented by a sub-oval pit [049], an area of in-situ burning (020), and a charcoal-rich deposit (035). Phase II was represented by a boundary ditch visible on historical mapping, and a series of predominantly west-south-west/east-north-east aligned furrows. Phase I Pit [049] was cut by Phase II Furrow [038]. Pit [049] contained a single fill (017) with frequent charcoal and large stones. A sub-circular area of in-situ burning (020) was located to the north-east of the excavated area.
No further diagnostic material was recovered from Area D. Both pit [049] and a deposit (035) contained charcoal which may be provide a radiocarbon date for activity here. The presence of pyrolithic material suggests a general prehistoric date for the Phase I activities in Area D. This may be further narrowed down to a Bronze Age date based on general dating evidence of this monument type.
Knockyclovaun 1 (Area E)
The excavated features at Knockyclovaun 1 (Area E) comprised a large shallow pit [029] and a plough furrow. These features both relate to post-medieval or modern agricultural activity in the area.

This bulletin will be updated following completion of Stage (iv) specialist analysis and final reporting.

Unit 2, Europa Business Park, Midleton, Co. Cork, P25 TV25