2020:234 - Rathedmond & Finisklin, Sligo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Sligo Site name: Rathedmond & Finisklin

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 20E0178

Author: Tamlyn McHugh

Site type: Pit features


ITM: E 568180m, N 836330m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.274781, -8.488552

Testing took place from 18-20 May 2020. The conditions were good during the works. A total of fifteen test trenches were excavated across the development area in the front garden of the former convent (Area 1), in the large sloping field to the south (Area 2) and along the southern boundary to the convent (Area 3). The total area excavated comprised 1613.72m of trench. All trenches were excavated to the top of archaeological material or the boulder clay.

Each test trench was mechanically excavated using a graded bucket 1.5m wide and were excavated parallel with one another where possible, and at 20m intervals at across the development area to the south, along the southern boundary and in the front garden of the former convent. The total area excavated comprised 1613.72m of trench.

Depths of soil cover varied across the site with an average depth of 0.4m. Several features of possible archaeological significance was noted in Trenchs 4, 9 and 10.

Trench 4 was located along the western boundary of the south to north sloping Area 2, east of a former farm track which provided access to the fields. The track was left unexcavated and the trench was located east along a post and wire fence bounding the farm track. Test Trench 4 was excavated in two parts, A & B. A 4m break was left unexcavated to avoid digging below the overhead cables that crossed Area 2 running east to west.

Trench 4 (A) measured 55.67m, the depth ranged from 0.3-0.4m. At 29.2m from the southern end a semi-circular pit (F1) was uncovered. The feature was truncated by a plough furrow. Furrows were encountered in Test Trenches 4-10 traversing the entire field of Area 2 running south-west to north-east; potatoes were previously sown in the field and provided the convent with crop. The furrows ranged between 0.4-0.5m wide and were often accompanied by a second shallow furrow 0.1m wide and located 0.25m from the larger furrow.

An area measuring 6.5m x 5.5m x 8.4m wide was mechanically stripped of topsoil around F1 to observe if any other features were in the vicinity. A further semi-circular pit (F2) was uncovered 2.3m from F1. This feature was also truncated by a furrow, orientated similarly to the furrow that truncated F1. F1 measured 0.26m east-west by 0.4m. The fill consisted of a mid-grey silt with occasional charcoal and heat-affected stone. A piece of iron slag with small stone adhered to its surface was found when the feature was half sectioned. F2 measured 0.25m east-west by 0.6m. The fill comprised a grey silt with occasional charcoal inclusions.

Trench 9 was excavated 20m east of Trench 8. Trench 9 is divided into A & B, with a 5.3m break left to avoid excavating below the overhead cables. Trench 9 (A) measured 58m and was orientated south to north in a gently sloping area. The trench measured a maximum depth of 0.3m, the stratigraphy consisted of dark brown clayey silt over yellowish grey boulder clay. Plough furrows cross Trench 9 A & B. Trench 9 (B) measured 25m and stopped at the tree-lined field boundary to Area 3. At 49m from the beginning of Trench 9 (A) a large oblong-shaped feature (F3) was identified. The feature measured 3.56m south-east/north-west by 1.5m and was 0.3m below the sod layer. A slot trench was excavated through the feature. The fill was 0.3m deep and comprised a moderately compacted brownish-grey clayey silt fill devoid of charcoal or any artefacts. A small amount of charcoal was visible along the eastern and southern edge of the feature, but no charcoal was present in the fill. An area 6.3m x 5m wide was mechanically opened to observe if any other features were present, other than the same furrows previously experienced crossing Area 2.

Trench 10 was excavated 20m east of Trench 9 and started at the back wall of Rathedmond Estate where there was no vegetation cover. Trench 10 is divided into A & B, with a 6.6m break left to avoid excavating below the overhead cables. Trench 10 (A) measured 56.3m and was orientated south to north in a gently sloping area. The trench measured a maximum depth of 0.3m, the stratigraphy consisted of dark brown clayey silt over yellowish-grey boulder clay. The plough furrows cross Trench 10 A & B. Trench 10 (B) measured 21m and stopped at the tree-lined field boundary to Area 3. A possible archaeological feature (F4) was encountered 6m from the southern end of Trench 10 (A). Feature 4 consisted of a linear pit with a moderately compacted charcoal-enriched silt fill and a dark red heat-affected edge on all sites. The feature measured 0.45m north-south by 2.1m. F4 is truncated by a plough furrow running north to south. An area 6.1m x 8.2m was mechanically opened to observe any other possible archaeological features in the immediate vicinity but other than a modern water pipe, nothing was found.

Archaeological material was identified at the site during testing, it was recommended that these possible archaeological features be fully excavated prior to any development taking place. The full excavation of these features was undertaken by the author under an extension to licence 20E0178.

Cooldrumman Upper, Carney, Co. Sligo