County: Sligo Site name: Cleaveragh Demense
Sites and Monuments Record No.: SL014-134--- Ringfort Rath Licence number: 20E0527
Author: Tamlyn McHugh
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 570688m, N 834754m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.260770, -8.449893
A programme of pre-development test trenching was undertaken at the site of a proposed development of ‘Lest Sligo Forgets’ World War 2 Memorial Garden at Cleaveragh Demense, Sligo. The proposed development is in the vicinity of, and within, the zone of archaeological notification of SL014-134--- Ringfort Rath. Testing was undertaken to ascertain the extent and nature of any subsurface archaeological remains that may exist within the proposed development area.
Archaeological test trenching took place on 29 September 2020. Each test trench was mechanically excavated using a graded bucket 1.9m-wide under archaeological supervision. A total of 3 parallel test trenches were excavated at 5m intervals within the footprint of the proposed memorial garden, and along the south-western boundary, at the point closest to the zone of archaeological notification for the monument. The total area excavated comprised 62.95m. All trenches were excavated to the top of the natural boulder clay substrate. Depths of soil cover varied across the site with an average depth of 0.45m.
Several constraints were encountered during the testing works, these included trees which were present within the proposed development area and that were to be left undisturbed. The area where an access path to the garden was proposed was also landscaped with trees and it was indicated by the Sligo County Council Parks Dept. that this area was not to be disturbed during test trenching works.
During the works two archaeological objects were identified in Test Trench 1: a chert scraper and a sherd of green glazed pottery. Neither finds were discovered in a stratified context or in association with any archaeological features. No further material or features were identified within the proposed development area.
Cooldrumman Upper, Carney, Co. Sligo