County: Limerick Site name: Baunacloka 'Mungret Gate', Mungret
Sites and Monuments Record No.: LI013-009--- Licence number: 20E0563
Author: Elaine Lynch
Site type: Medieval pits and corn-drying kilns
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 554484m, N 653768m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.633221, -8.672397
The excavation was undertaken in advance of the construction of a housing development at Baunacloka, Mungret, Limerick. The site was previously subject to test trenching (under licence 17E0165) during which features of archaeological interest were encountered, predominantly interpreted as pits. Following the test trenching a strip and map exercise was undertaken by Frank Coyne (18E0745, Coyne and Lynch 2018) and found that there were several archaeological features present on the site.
The site consisted of grass pasture and was marshy in places. It lies to the south-east of the ecclesiastical complex at Mungret and in the vicinity of the historic town/settlement LI013-009---.
In all 30 features were excavated: 2 corn-drying kilns, 4 linear features (interpreted as small, relatively shallow channels or drains), 23 pits (some of which were relatively large) and a single small spread. One of the corn-drying kilns was large, dumbbell-shaped and had an east-west orientation. The kiln had a stone-lined flue and a partially stone-lined eastern bowl (interpreted as the drying chamber). It measured 6.95m east-west by 2.5m with a depth of 0.76m. A total of 25 fills were recorded within the kiln cut.
The smaller kiln was figure-of-8-shaped, measuring 2.76m north-south by 1.3m with a depth of 0.56m. Two small stake-holes were found in the base in the centre of the kiln. A total of seven fills was recorded from the kiln cut.
The pits ranged in size but were relatively large. They were concentrated on the eastern and southern end of the site. A number of the pits intercut each other but appeared to be broadly contemporary based on finds recovered. Artefacts uncovered included medieval pottery, bone implements and a range of iron items including a ring brooch, a socketed arrowhead, a pin and two knives.
At this stage, on the basis of the excavated material and before radiocarbon determinations have been considered, the site is interpreted as being later medieval in date, with a light industrial and agricultural function, and likely associated with the historic settlement at Mungret, which lies immediately to the west.
Coyne, F. and Lynch, E. 2018 Archaeological ‘strip-and-map’ of archaeological features at Baunacloka, Mungret, Co. Limerick 18E0745. Unpublished report for client.
Aegis Archaeology, 32 Nicholas Street, King's Island, Limerick