2020:393 - Lohercannan, Kerry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kerry Site name: Lohercannan

Sites and Monuments Record No.: none Licence number: 19E0637

Author: Frank Coyne Aegis Archaeology Limited

Site type: Multi-period


ITM: E 481773m, N 613961m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.264628, -9.732075

Following test trenching which identified potential archaeological features (undertaken by Dr M. Connolly under same licence number) excavation commenced in June 2020. Localised areas were opened up around the concentrations of features found in the testing. The topsoil was removed by a machine fitted with a flat-edged bucket working under supervision. The areas were then cleaned down by hand, and the features recorded and excavated.
Two lime kilns were excavated on the site. They are of the intermittent or 'flare kiln' variety. This type of kiln was used throughout the medieval period, before eventually being replaced by 'draw kilns'. The latter is the type which is visible throughout the countryside today. These two kilns are not marked on the first edition Ordnance Survey six-inch map. Given their proximity to Lohercannan House (c. 200m to the north), it is possible that they were used to supply the lime for the construction of the house in the eighteenth century, and perhaps also the estate wall which partially surrounds the subject site.
Several pits were also excavated, many of which contained varying amounts of charcoal, and occasional flecks of cremated bone. A horseshoe-shaped feature was also uncovered, which contained a small deposit of cremated bone, and stone artefacts. Its function is unclear, and further analysis is needed to determine if it is sepulchral (such as a ring-ditch) or domestic (remains of a house with a foundation deposit) in nature.
These excavations have revealed that a variety of multi-period activities had occurred at this site. It does appear (in advance of radiocarbon dates) that there are features on the site which date from the prehistoric to the late medieval/early modern periods.

32 Nicholas St, King's Island, Limerick V94 V6F7