2020:233 - Bullaun (Loughrea BY.), Galway

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Galway Site name: Bullaun (Loughrea BY.)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 20E0528

Author: Tamlyn McHugh

Site type: Pits and linear features


ITM: E 562909m, N 722038m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.247413, -8.555750

A programme of pre-development test trenching was undertaken for the proposed development of a school at Bullaun Co. Galway. The development is in the vicinity of GA097-029001- Church and GA097-029--- Graveyard.
Several potential archaeological features were noted following a geophysical survey in September 2020 conducted by Earthsound Geophysics. A number of zones of disturbed or compact soil were detected which suggest that the landscape has been modified for either archaeological or agricultural purposes.
Test trenching took place on 12-13 October and involved the mechanical excavation of 9 parallel test trenches at intervals across the site as well as targeting any potential archaeological features indicated on the geophysical survey. Each test trench was mechanically excavated using a graded bucket 1.9m wide. They were excavated within the footprint of the proposed access road, school building, and playing field, as well as at the point closest to the zone of archaeological notification for GA097-029 and GA097-029001-. The total area excavated comprised 791.92m.
All trenches were excavated to the top of archaeological material or the boulder clay. Depths of soil cover varied across the site with an average depth of 0.3m. Several constraints were encountered during the testing works, these included overhead power cables crossing the proposed development running north-east/south-west.
During test trenching works an area of potential archaeological significance was investigated in the eastern area of the site at the location of the eastern portion of the proposed main school building. The area comprised 5 pit-like features as well as several linear features, some of which are furrows but others may be archaeological in nature.

Cooldrumman Upper, Carney, Co. Sligo