2020:519 - Dalkey Manor, Barnhill Road, Dalkey, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Dalkey Manor, Barnhill Road, Dalkey

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 20E0124

Author: Marion Sutton & Thaddeus Breen; Shanarc Archaeology Ltd.

Site type: Urban, post-medieval


ITM: E 725965m, N 726816m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.276691, -6.111237

Archaeological test excavations were carried out on 3-4 September 2020 on a 0.935 hectare site at Dalkey Manor, Barnhill Raod, Dalkey, Co. Dublin, in association with a proposed Strategic Housing Development comprising 103 residential units with underground parking and associated structures and involving the demolition of the 20th-century two-storey Dalkey Manor.

Dalkey Manor adjoins the grounds of Dalkey Lodge, a recorded monument (RMP DU023-070) and protected structure (RPS Ref. 1483), and historically formed part of the attendant grounds of Dalkey Lodge.

Twelve test trenches were planned for testing, however only eleven where excavated as mature tree cover made the excavation of Trench 1 impossible. Excavated trenches were 2m wide 8.5-50m in length and 0.3-1.1m in depth.

Features exposed during test excavation were consistent with what would be expected in a historic garden – kerbs, paths, drains and refuse pits of 19th- and 20th-century date.

Very little of an artefactual nature was noted during test excavation. A few sherds of undiagnostic white ceramic and remnants of flower pots were noted. A single sherd of 19th- or 20th-century transfer printed ware, two broken pieces of a chimneypot, and three broken pieces of red pantile were found during testing.

Only one piece of animal bone was noted. As is common in the Dublin area, occasional oyster shells were found. A less usual find was a limpet shell, not surprising in an area close to the sea.

Unit 39a, Hebron Business Park, Hebron Road, Kilkenny