2019:781 - Cortial, Kilkerley, Louth

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Louth Site name: Cortial, Kilkerley

Sites and Monuments Record No.: LH006-046 Licence number: 19E0033

Author: Linda Clarke, Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit

Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 698050m, N 806570m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.999052, -6.504496

One recorded monument, LH006-046, a souterrain, is listed in the Record of Monuments and Places (RMP) located along the north-west boundary of the study area. The archaeological assessment comprised test trenching, which was carried out on 15 January 2019.

Prior to this assessment, a geophysical survey was conducted by Donald Murphy and Robert Breen of ACSU on 14 January 2019 under licence 19R0010. The survey produced no clear evidence for a substantial archaeological presence within the survey area. Two faint curvilinear anomalies aligned roughly east-west and north-east/south-west along the northern and western boundaries of the survey area may represent natural underlying geology or wide shallow ditch features. These are located outside the footprint of the proposed development, however, and will not be impacted upon. The site of the souterrain was not detected in the geophysical survey and, though not previously precisely located, is likely to be either along or outside the western boundary of the site. This area will be under the garden and/or the existing field and as a result will not be impacted upon by the proposed development.

A total of three test trenches (1–3) were excavated within the area of the proposed development. All three test trenches were aligned north-east/south-west. Trench 1 measured 40m in length and the topsoil varied in depth from 0.35–0.6m. Trench 2 measured 35m in length and the topsoil varied in depth from 0.3–0.45m. Trench 3 measured 32m in length and the topsoil varied in depth from 0.3–0.4m. The topsoil was removed onto a natural subsoil of light yellow/orange silty clay that contained frequent inclusions of shale deposits. No archaeological deposits or features were identified and no finds were recovered.

Unit 21 Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth