2019:003 - Windmill Land & Townparks, Swords, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Windmill Land & Townparks, Swords

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU011-035 Licence number: 18E0755

Author: Gill McLoughlin

Site type: Pits, linear features, deposits (probable medieval)


ITM: E 717964m, N 746511m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.455442, -6.223797

Pre-planning archaeological testing was carried out over two days from the 21st January 2019 in a greenfield area to the rear of the Lord Mayor’s pub in Swords.

Nine trenches were excavated and archaeological features or deposits were identified in all but two of the test trenches and are an indication of archaeological activity across the area. No dateable finds were recovered directly from any of the investigated features however two sherds of Dublin-type ware recovered from the topsoil in trench T2 and from layer C6 in trench T1 are an indication of activity dated to the medieval period either within the site or in the vicinity of it. Most of the other features investigated contained inclusions of animal bone and seashell or both, further indicating their archaeological nature. These features mostly comprised shallow linear features and pits as well as some larger features, probably representing linear ditches. Other deposits of interest are a layer rich in seashells in trenches T2, T3 and T4, and a rich organic layer containing sea shell and animal bone in trenches T1 and T5.

An area to the north of the car park was not tested due to overburden up to 2m deep and the presence of underground services.

Lynwood House