2019:824 - Cascum Link, Ballyvally & Tullyear, Banbridge, Down

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Down Site name: Cascum Link, Ballyvally & Tullyear, Banbridge

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DOW 034:003 Licence number: AE/19/061E

Author: Jonathan Barkley

Site type: No archaeology found - site of rath


ITM: E 711894m, N 843898m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.331508, -6.279582

Archaeological test trenching was carried out at the Cascum Link, Banbridge, Co. Down site on the 15th May 2019.

The area of the site was marked as a rath, recorded on the OS maps and in the SMR as DOW034:003.

No archaeological material was uncovered in any of the trenches and it appears that the ground level had previously been reduced by approximately 6m when the Banbridge bypass was created. It is believed that the rath has been completely destroyed.

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