2019:401 - Cloyne Cathedral, Townparks, Cloyne, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Cloyne Cathedral, Townparks, Cloyne

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO088-019006 Licence number: 18E0697

Author: Annette Quinn

Site type: Medieval - burial


ITM: E 591750m, N 567736m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.861761, -8.119779

Testing was undertaken here to comply with a planning condition (Pl. Ref. 18/06070). The proposed development consists of the construction of two small rooms inside the west door of the cathedral (CO088-019006) to accommodate a toilet and tea station.
Trench 1 was excavated along the proposed service trench outside the west door (to the north of same). This proposed service trench would have carried ‘run-off’ water from the tea station to the manhole located just inside the churchyard gate. A juvenile burial (articulated) was exposed between 0.4m and 0.65m below present ground level. Excavation was therefore halted at this level. Given the presence of articulated remains within the trench and the possibility of uncovering further remains, it was decided to abandon the development of the tea station and associated service trench. A store-room was built in its location with no requirement for sub-surface works or service trenches.
Trenches 2 and 3 were excavated outside the west wall (just to the south of the west door) along the footprint of the service trench as far as the churchyard gate. Trench 2 was excavated to a depth of 0.6m and no archaeological features were noted therein. Few disarticulated human bones were noted within the stoney fill towards the base of the trench. This trench depth will be the maximum required for the service pipe in this location since the pipe will exit the church just above ground level after which there will be a fall in the pipe towards the existing manhole. No impacts were identified in Trench 2.
Trench 3 was also excavated along the proposed service trench as far as the existing manhole. A culvert (just below ground level) and a cobbled surface were exposed in this trench at 0.5-0.6m below ground level. Excavation was halted at this level as the depth achieved in the test trench would suffice for the insertion of a pipe and its associated fall. The cobbles will therefore remain in situ. The drain, which was fully recorded, will be impacted, however, since the relative level of the drain in relation to the manhole is such that part of the drain will require removal to facilitate the insertion of the pipe into the manhole. The cobbles were preserved in situ and the drain will be removed under archaeological supervision.
Trench 4 was excavated within the church opposite Trench 2. This trench was excavated in the footprint of the exit point for the pipe and was undertaken to assess the presence or otherwise of human or structural remains. The trench was excavated to a maximum of 0.3m after which hand excavation was halted. A disturbed/disarticulated torso and a possibly associated articulated skull, under the pilaster, were exposed in this trench. No foundations or structural remains were noted. The boring of a hole at ground level through the west wall (to meet the service trench on the outside) would result in a direct negative impact to the human remains identified within the trench. The remains identified were preserved in situ therefore by inserting the borehole above ground level.

Tobar Archaeological Serivces, Saleen, Midleton, County Cork