2019:066 - Dunlicky Road, Kilkee Upper, Kilkee, Clare

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Clare Site name: Dunlicky Road, Kilkee Upper, Kilkee

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CL056-040001 Licence number: 18E0750

Author: Kate Taylor, TVAS (Ireland) Ltd

Site type: Undated gullies, ditches and deposits


ITM: E 487675m, N 659835m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.678020, -9.661098

Testing of the site of a proposed new dwelling at Dunlicky Road, Kilkee Upper townland, Kilkee, Co. Clare revealed a number of features and deposits of archaeological potential. Although undated, these features appear to be of some antiquity and may relate to neighbouring monument CL056-040001, now sited beneath a 20th-century house. The monument is recorded as a graveyard shown on historic maps and noted in antiquarian sources as a children’s burial ground, but thought to possibly be the site of the original church that provided the ‘cill’ in the name ‘Kilkee’. Rich soil from a 20th-century cattle shed may account for some of the deposits on site. Full excavation or monitoring followed by excavation is recommended as a condition of planning permission.

Ahish, Ballinruan, Crusheen, Co. Clare