2018:878 - Barrack Street, Fethard, Tipperary

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Tipperary Site name: Barrack Street, Fethard

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: Unlicensed

Author: Seán Shanahan, Shanarc Archaeology Ltd.

Site type: Urban


ITM: E 620960m, N 635208m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.467907, -7.691526

Archaeological monitoring of excavation work associated with the replacement of footpaths and resurfacing of the street at Barrack Street, Fethard, Co. Tipperary, was undertaken over eleven days between 1 May and 17 July 2018.

While the work comprising this development took place along Barrack Street, Green Street and Styrlea, monitoring was required only of the work in close proximity to the Zone of Archaeological Potential of Fethard, i.e. along the north-west side and to the south-west end of Barrack Street. For the laying of cables and the insertion of improved footpaths, the road surface and existing pavement layers were broken through, to a maximum depth of 0.18m, to a very stony dark yellowish-brown silty clay subsoil. At points deeper pits were excavated for vertical drainage pipes, revealing a heavy brownish-yellow clay underneath.

No archaeological features or materials were found during excavation.

Unit 39A, Hebron Business Park, Hebron Road, Kilkenny