County: Kildare Site name: 67 Leinster Street/ Mount Hawkins, Athy
Sites and Monuments Record No.: KD035-022 Licence number: 18E0039
Author: Faith Bailey, IAC Ltd
Site type: Possible medieval pits
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 668450m, N 694085m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.993116, -6.980410
Testing was undertaken at 67 Leinster Street/Mount Hawkins as part of a request for further information by Kildare County Council (Planning Ref.: 17/1000). Two test trenches (c. 72 linear metres) were mechanically excavated across the footprint of the proposed development. The available test area was constrained due to the presence of an active playground.
Three pits or linear features of possible medieval date were identified during the testing, one of which produced two sherds of medieval pottery. Ground disturbances associated with the proposed development may have an adverse impact on these features and any associated archaeological remains.
IAC Ltd, Unit G1, Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow