County: Kerry Site name: Ballinskelligs Abbey, BAILE AN SCEILG
Sites and Monuments Record No.: KE097-036, KE097-036003 Licence number: E004993; C000815
Author: Laurence Dunne
Site type: Abbey and graveyard, castle - tower-house
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 443373m, N 565020m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.815462, -10.271820
A Second Phase of archaeological investigative works in Ballinskelligs Abbey and Graveyard was undertaken in November/December 2018. Six new cuttings (Cuttings 5-10) were opened. Three cuttings (Cutting 5-7) were undertaken abutting the structure known as the Caisléan Beag in the south-west limits of the Ballinskelligs Abbey graveyard. Cuttings 8-10 were excavated within the cloister area. All investigative cuttings were opened and cleaned by hand.
Cutting 5 (1.2m x 0.65m x 0.6m) was excavated at the south-east limits of Caisleán Beag (Little Castle). Excavated fill consisted of black to dark grey soft organic aerated material with frequent shell inclusions, mainly periwinkle and keyhole limpet. A possible stone surface or upper courses of a wall feature was revealed at the base of the cutting. Cutting 6 (1.2m x 1.4m x 0.9m) was excavated at the north-east angle of Caisleán Beag. It was slightly irregular in plan to avoid unnamed graves nearby. At c.0.2m below the current ground the basal courses/footings of possibly the original unhewn sandstone foundation were revealed. L-shaped Cutting 7 was opened in the northern angle of the Caisleán Beag. Excavation of the north-east/south-west section exposed a few courses of walling below the window. The base of the cutting here comprised of very compacted yellow clay material with stone inclusions. Excavation of the second north-west/south-east section of Cutting 7 revealed somewhat larger stones set within the same yellow material. At the northernmost limits a return wall, c.0.4m high, was exposed. Cutting 8 (2m x 1m x 0.5m – 0.8m) was situated at the easternmost opening of the nave. Four large oblong stones slabs possibly reflecting a threshold were revealed (see image). Rebated socket stone was uncovered on the west reveal of the opening. Cutting 9 (2m x 1.4m x 0.5m max; average 0.15m) was excavated under the central opening of the nave. After removal of c.0.15m of gravel and mixed material, stone slabs were exposed extending across the entire width of the cutting that possibly reflect threshold slabs of a doorway. Cutting 10 (2m x 0.6m x 0.4 - 0.55m) was undertaken in advance of the installation of an all-weather information sign in the northern limits of the cloister. Excavation revealed two ex-situ human skulls at the southernmost limits of the cutting (c.0.4m from the current ground surface). The skulls were recorded, protected and left as discovered. At the northern end of the cutting (at c.0.55m from the surface) articulating human remains of the pelvic region were partially revealed, recorded, preserved in situ and protected. A coherent fragment of coffin furniture was also noted.
Ex-situ disarticulated human bone was found to varying degrees in all of the excavated cuttings. A small quantity of animal bone and shell was also recovered. Other finds recovered includes amorphous metal objects, possible stone artefacts, modern glass fragments, few flints, clay pipe fragments, modern pottery sherds, and multiple slate fragments.
3 Lios Na Lohart, Ballyvelly, Tralee, Co. Kerry