2018:826 - Stillorgan R.F.C , Tibradden Road, Whitechurch, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Stillorgan R.F.C , Tibradden Road, Whitechurch

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 18E0666

Author: John Kavanagh

Site type: Possible enclosure site


ITM: E 714183m, N 724972m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.262793, -6.288471

An archaeological assessment and test excavation was carried out on behalf of Stillorgan R.F.C. which is seeking to develope a new sports ground and clubhouse on a green-field site located on Tibradden Road. A geo-physical survey was completed for the development site (Licence No. 18R0208) during October 2018. The survey results have identified the possible remains of an enclosure site in the southern field (Field 2). The results suggested a sub-circular enclosure measuring c.40m in diameter. It was speculated that the enclosure has suffered plough damage as the responses appear fragmented. There are no clear responses of potential interest within the enclosure.

Fragmented trends appeared to extend from the probable enclosure extending into Field 1. The trends may represent the remains of associated features or an annex of the enclosure site. This was speculative as the trends were barely discernible in the data. A circular trend to the west of the probable enclosure was considered to be of potential interest. The trend forms a clear circular pattern measuring 7.5m in diameter. This may represent a feature associated with the enclosure.

The subsequent test excavation found no evidence to conclude that these features were archaeological in nature.

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