2018:624 - 43-53 Montpelier Hill, Dublin 7, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: 43-53 Montpelier Hill, Dublin 7

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU018-020 Licence number: 17E0419

Author: David McIlreavy, IAC Ltd

Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 713753m, N 734556m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.348978, -6.291479

Monitoring was carried out at 43–46 Montpelier Hill, Dublin 7. The site is located within the zone of archaeological notification for Dublin City (DU018-020) and there are three recorded monuments located within 250m of the proposed development area. The closest is the site of a house (of unknown date) located c. 43m to the west (DU018-020532). The Connolly Barracks are located c. 83m to the east (DU018-020306) and the edge of the zone of archaeological potential that surrounds the Phoenix Park is located c. 190m to the west (DU018-007).

Analysis of the available cartographic resource indicates that site remained relatively rural on the edge of Dublin City during the medieval period. The street was established during the late 17th or early 18th century and from that point was subject to residential development. However, during the 18th century, Rocque’s detailed map of 1756 shows that a large part of the proposed development area contained garden plots and occasional outbuildings. This was also the case throughout much of the 19th century. By the time of the early 20th century a number of long rectangular structures (stores or potentially stables) had been established within the largest plot.

Testing was carried out on the site by the author in
September 2017 (Licence 17E0419) although no features of archaeological significance were identified at this time. Monitoring was requested as a condition of planning by Dublin City Council (Planning Ref.: 3772/16). Monitoring took place on the site between March and June 2018. No features or deposits of archaeological potential were identified and as a result, no further mitigation is deemed necessary.

Unit G1 Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow