2018:266 - Haroldsgrange, Marlay Park, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Haroldsgrange, Marlay Park

Sites and Monuments Record No.: n/a Licence number: 18E0481

Author: Frank Coyne, Aegis Archaeology

Site type: Designed landscape feature (Ha ha)


ITM: E 715353m, N 726507m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.276328, -6.270386

Four trenches were opened across the ha ha in the grounds of Marlay park (a Protected Structure RPS 1518) to assess its construction technique and current condition. It was found that the wall of the ha ha had been constructed against a face of naturally occurring boulder clay at north. The wall had a slight batter, and the top of it had been capped with redeposited boulder clay, before being sealed with topsoil. From the test trenching, it was evident that the original ditch (fosse) of the ha ha had been widened in the past, and it was almost certainly narrower, with a more gradual slope on its southern side when it was originally constructed. This archaeological work is intended to inform future conservation works to the protected structure.

32 Nicholas St, King's Island, Limerick V94V6F7