2018:301 - CAM Quarry (Phase 2), Derry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Derry Site name: CAM Quarry (Phase 2)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: n/a Licence number: AE/18/142

Author: Ciara MacManus

Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 677710m, N 924970m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 55.066118, -6.783419

An archaeological evaluation was carried out for the Phase 2 development at Cam Quarry, which is located c.10km to the south-west of Coleraine town, Co Derry. The report was undertaken in response to planning conditions attached to the proposed development (Planning Ref.: C/2009/806/F). It follows a previous impact assessment carried out by Andy Josephs and FarrimondMacManus Ltd in 2007 and an archaeological evaluation for Phase 1 quarry extension carried out by IAC Ltd in 2015.

There are no known archaeological sites within the immediate vicinity of the quarry. Within a 4km radius of the development site, 32 archaeological sites and monuments were recorded. These include two standing stones (LDY007:084 & LDY011:024), a mass rock (LDY011:004), a cairn (LDY011:003), two graveyards (LDY011:019 and LDY011:001), a burial mound (LDY010:019) and a crop mark (LDY010:030). A pillbox (DHP 108) is also located c. 3.6km to the north-west of the site.

The evaluation consisted of the machine excavation of a series of test trenches within the area of Phase 2 quarry extension. Test trenches were excavated 10m apart and revealed peat deposits to survive to depths of between 0.5–3m across the site overlying natural boulder clay. No archaeological deposits or finds were noted during test trenching. Therefore, it is deemed that no further archaeological works are necessary as part of Phase 2 quarry extension at Cam Quarry.

IAC Ltd, Unit G1, Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Wicklow