2018:664 - Sleveen East, Macroom, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Sleveen East, Macroom

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO071-156----; CO071-050001- ; CO071-050002-. Licence number: 18E0545

Author: John Olney

Site type: Urban


ITM: E 533912m, N 572988m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.905114, -8.960442

Monitoring was conducted during the excavation of a slit-trench during site investigation works in advance of a proposed watermain upgrade at Bridewell Lane, Macroom town centre on 15/11/2018. The monitoring requirement was implemented due to the location of the works within the Zones of Archaeological Potential for CO071-156--- ‘Settlement Cluster’; CO071-050001- and 05002- ‘St. Colman’s Church & Graveyard’.

The slit-trench was located at the southern end of the laneway and measured 2.5m east-west x 0.8m to a depth of 1.2m. Once the existing tarmac surface was mechanically removed, the underlying material was excavated by hand due to the variety and abundance of existing services. The excavated materials comprised introduced fills of gravel, sand and occasional building rubble including concrete, red-brick and slate fragments of 19th-century date.

No find, features or deposits of archaeological significance were encountered during the works. The future installation phase of works proposes a pipe-lay along the length of Bridewell Lane in an area previously undisturbed by service works. These works will be monitored.

for Ryan Hanley, Consulting Engineers, 1 Galway Business Park, Upper Newcastle Road, Galway