2018:663 - Coolasmuttane, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Coolasmuttane

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO002-006----; CO002-007---- Licence number: 18E0131

Author: John Olney

Site type: Monitoring


ITM: E 549384m, N 624105m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.366175, -8.743222

Monitoring was conducted between April 13 and 17 2018 during in-road watermain rehabilitation works at Coolasmuttane, approximately 2km north-east of Newtownshandrum in north Co. Cork.

Monitoring was required as the pipeline route was in close proximity to two sites listed on the RMP. The works involved the use of directional drilling and monitoring was limited to the excavation of launch and recovery pits spaced at 100m intervals along the L5477 roadway; oriented north-west/south-east.

A total of three trenches were excavated within the Zones of Archaeological Potential established for these sites. Average trench dimensions were in the order of 3.3m north-west/south-east x 1.1m to depths of 1.4m from road surface.

Subsurface deposits comprised stone and gravel road build material (300-400mm) overlying reddish brown glacial tills with moderate to frequent sub-angular glacial cobbles.

No finds, features or deposits of archaeological significance were encountered during works

for Ryan Hanley, Consulting Engineers, 1 Galway Business Park, Upper Newcastle Road, Galway