County: Cork Site name: Killeens
Sites and Monuments Record No.: None Licence number: 17E0620
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 564072m, N 573565m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.913061, -8.522222
An application to import landfill material to improve agricultural output into low-lying lands in Killeens townland led to the undertaking of an archaeological impact assessment and test excavation. The proposed development is for the importation of inert material into two long narrow fields adjacent to the River Bride and for the construction of a new temporary entrance. The advance works stage will involve the removal of topsoil across the entire area of lands proposed for landfill leading to potential exposure of previously unknown archaeological features and at the reinstatement of the topsoil following the introduction of landfill. A former church and graveyard (CO074-01:001-002), several standing stones (CO074:007-009; CO074012)and numerous fulachta fiadh are located in the wider vicinity of the site.
In total nine test trenches were excavated in the lands proposed for landfill. The subsoil profile was largely mixed orange brown stony clay with much wetter and stonier ground in parts. Nothing of archaeological importance was exposed in any of the trenches.
There are no recorded monuments in the area proposed for landfilling therefore there will be no direct impact on known archaeological heritage in the area.
Based on the results of the impact assessment and following consultation with the county archaeologist, it is recommended that the initial phase of groundworks at the site be monitored.
Rostellan, Midleton, Co. Cork