2018:450 - Lisheenagreine, Garranes, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Lisheenagreine, Garranes

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO084-090 Licence number: 18E0215

Author: William O'Brien

Site type: Ringfort


ITM: E 547221m, N 563002m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.816776, -8.765522

Excavation was conducted in May 2018 at a levelled earthwork enclosure in Garranes townland, Templemartin, Co. Cork. The excavation was specifically designed to provide training for students in the MA in Archaeological Excavation course at University College Cork. The site, locally named Lisheenagreine, is a small ringfort of the early medieval period (radiocarbon dates pending), where one or more souterrains, along with an ogham stone, were discovered in the mid-nineteenth century. The excavation recovered information on the design and construction of two phases of enclosing elements, as well as some occupation details. The most important discovery was an earth-cut souterrain with a primary occupation layer.

Department of Archaeology, University College Cork