2018:433 - Bealick 2, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Bealick 2

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: E004981

Author: Stuart Elder, Rubicon Heritage Services Ltd

Site type: Prehistoric burnt mound


ITM: E 535129m, N 572917m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.904619, -8.942745

Excavation by Rubicon Heritage Ltd at Bealick 2 was undertaken as part of the N22 Baile Bhuirne–Macroom Road Scheme (Lot 3) Archaeological Consultancy Services Contract. The excavation was carried out on behalf of Cork County Council and funded by Transport Infrastructure Ireland.

The excavated features consisted of a shallow deposit containing heat-shattered stone and a hearth (Phase I), two pits and a small spread along the northeast edge of excavation (Phase II), which lay adjacent to the existing Mill Rd, and a field drain and single pit to the south (undated).

Charcoal identification from pits [03, 17 and 20] show that oak-hazel-ash woodland with wet woodland components was utilised for wood-fuel. Comparison of the identified taxa to tree-types present in the nearby semi-natural Gearagh ancient woodland reveals that all of these taxa occur within such woodland and that woodland similar to this may have been more extensively present during the Early Bronze Age.

Ring curvature information has demonstrated that mainly branch wood with some trunk wood was used for wood-fuel in the burnt mound activity This may represent deliberate felling and selection of branch wood for wood-fuel resources.

A small number of charcoal identifications from the later 18th/19th century flood deposit (23) suggest wood fuel was sourced from nearby woodland similar to the Gearagh ancient woodland with oak, ash, hazel and fruit tree type present. Ring curvature indicates probably felling of oak and use of branch wood from ash, hazel and fruit tree type.

Two radiocarbon dates were obtained from hazel and blackthorn charcoal for two of the pits excavated at Bealick 2, suggesting two phases of activity. A single radiocarbon date from fill (025) of pit (17) returned a date range of 2201–2035 cal BC (SUERC-87745) at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age.

The Phase II activities on the site are represented by the cluster of features in the northeast corner of the site. Radiocarbon dating of hazel charcoal from fill (014) of pit (020) returned a date range of 1876–1663 cal BC (SUERC-87746). While this places all dated activity in the Early Bronze Age the two dates are separated by at least 200 years.

A sherd of pearlware was recovered from a natural silt deposit (023) underlying burnt spread (015). Pearlware dates from 1779–1820s, which indicates that the mound material was disturbed or displaced from elsewhere.


Earlier work at Bealick 2

An earlier geophysical survey had been undertaken at the site in 2005 by Earthsound Archaeological Geophysics Ltd (Licence Ref.: 04R179) to ascertain whether there were any archaeological anomalies visible to confirm the presence of features (such as large graves) that may be associated with a reported 978 AD battle site at Bealick (Bealach Leachta). No conclusive evidence to support the presence of a battle site was found within the area investigated. The survey did identify geophysical anomalies indicative of agricultural activity within the survey area (Bonsall 2005, 13). A separate programme of archaeological test trenching (05E0769) was undertaken in 2005 to assess the archaeological potential of this area in order to inform the design process, and to provide a large amount of time for suitable mitigation in the event of archaeological material being discovered. During the course of a program of archaeological testing, no features of archaeological significance were discovered (Mullins 2005).




Bonsall, J and Gimson, H  2005  Bealach Leaghta & Laght Mahon (CO-071-014),  Bealick Townland, Macroom, County Cork,  N22 Oven-Ballyvourney Scheme (Macroom Bypass). Archaeological Geophysical Survey. Detection Licence No. 04R179. Unpublished report by Earthsound Ltd for Cork Irish Archaeological Consultancy limited


McCarthy Hyder Consultants (compilers) 2009 N22 Baile Bhuirne – Macroom: environmental impact statement. 4 volumes. Unpublished report by McCarthy Hyder for Cork County Council.


Mullins, J. 2005 Test Excavations at Bealick townland, Macroom, Co. Cork Irish Archaeological Consultancy unpublished report

Unit 2, Europa Enterprise Park, Midleton, Co. Cork P25 TV25