2018:388 - Ardnacloghy, Carrigaline, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Ardnacloghy, Carrigaline

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 17E0520

Author: Miriam Carroll

Site type: Miscellaneous archaeological features


ITM: E 572373m, N 563830m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.826027, -8.400790

Monitoring was carried out of topsoil removal as part of the enabling works stage of the development of a three-school education campus at Ardnacloghy, Carrigaline between December 2017 and May 2018. The removal of topsoil from over the entire development site resulted in the uncovering of a significant quantity of potential archaeological features. The features are spread through the entire development area with some noteworthy concentrations of hundreds of features across the central portion of the site to the north of the permanent east-west running site road. They appear to consist primarily of pits and linear features, although full excavation may reveal the presence of other feature types. The possible pits vary in size throughout the development site, with large examples noted in several places. Towards the southern end of the site, adjacent to the established buffer zones around the known monuments, areas of levelled spreads of burnt mound material were also exposed. This area of the site appeared to have been subject to modern disturbance from drainage and agricultural activities.
Manual investigation of the features uncovered was not undertaken except for those found along the site road. Full resolution of c. 17 archaeological features along the road was carried out under this licence in January 2018 to facilitate construction of the road and the placing underground of an overhead electricity line. The features comprised pits, linear features and a shallow burnt spread. Few artefacts were found and worked flint was recovered from the two larger pits located towards the north-east end of the roadway.
Preservation in situ of the exposed archaeological features is not possible given their presence throughout the development site, and in particular the noteworthy concentrations in the central portion of the site where several buildings, car parking and associated services will be located. In this regard, full archaeological resolution of all potential archaeological features identified was recommended.
Given the archaeological background to the site with the presence of a levelled enclosure and three fulacht fiadh, the uncovering of archaeological features within the development area was unsurprising. The scale of the findings is of note, however, with well over 500 potential features flagged and the potential for identifying further features and/or the full extent of features once manual cleaning of the site is carried out. The findings from the excavations carried out on site to date (Archer 2014/2015 – ring ditch and fulacht fia) as well as the flint artefacts recovered from the pits excavated along the site road (Tobar 2018) all point to a prehistoric date, potentially Bronze Age-Iron Age, although a multi-period site cannot be ruled out. The site has the potential to contribute significantly to the archaeological record of the Carrigaline area.
It is understood that excavation is being undertaken by another firm.

Tobar Archaeological Services, Saleen, Midleton, Co. Cork