2018:746 - Rathmore ("The Hill", 59 New Lodge Road, Muckamore), Antrim

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Antrim Site name: Rathmore ("The Hill", 59 New Lodge Road, Muckamore)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/18/111

Author: Christopher J. Farrimond, FarrimondMacManus Ltd (Derry), 150 Elmvale, Culmore, Derry BT48 8SL.

Site type: Well


ITM: E 718203m, N 886548m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.713109, -6.165537

Pre-development archaeological evaluation works were undertaken on 18 June 2018 at the site, having been commissioned by Mrs. Aanya Law & Mr. John Law and relate to a request for additional information by the Department for Communities: Historic Environment Division: Historic Monuments Unit (DfC:HED:HMU) prior to making a Planning Decision under Planning Policy Statement 6: Built Heritage 3 (PPS 6:BH3) associated with a Planning Application for a proposed development comprising the construction of a 2-storey replacement dwelling with integrated garage and associated landscaping at “The Hill”, 59 New Lodge Road, Muckamore, Antrim, Co. Antrim, BT41 2EX.

The proposed development area, which covers an area of approximately 0.95ha, is located within a sensitive archaeological landscape with a souterrain (ANT 050:063) being recorded as being located partially within the southern portion of the site.

Five evaluation trenches comprising a total of c.85m of linear trenching were excavated within the area of proposed invasive groundworks. On-site evaluation works revealed undisturbed glacial subsoil throughout each of the trenches and a substantial dry stone-lined well within the yard area to the immediate north of the existing dwelling house.

The well was circular, c.1–1.2m in internal diameter and at least 8m deep. However, the pit was filled with water to approximately 5m below the ground surface, making closer examination unsafe. The well had previously been capped with an unsupported slab of concrete set directly on top of the stone lining of the well. The well was located approximately 3.5m to north-east of the rear entrance to the dwelling house.

The undertaking of the evaluation works confirmed that the souterrain does not extend within the area of proposed invasive groundworks.

No archaeological features, remains or deposits were identified during the evaluation works in addition to the well referred to above and two stone-filled land drains.

Christopher J. Farrimond, FarrimondMacManus Ltd (Derry), 150 Elmvale, Culmore, Derry BT48 8SL.