2018:744 - Ballymoney (11 - 13 Main Street), Antrim

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Antrim Site name: Ballymoney (11 - 13 Main Street)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/18/68

Author: Christopher J. Farrimond, FarrimondMacManus Ltd (Derry), 150 Elmvale, Culmore, Derry BT48 8SL.

Site type: No archaeological significance


ITM: E 622959m, N 830805m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.225611, -7.647916

Monitoring of primary ground reduction works (site clearance and excavation of foundation trenches) was undertaken from 1 May – 13 June 2018, having been commissioned by KRD Credit Union, and relates to a Planning Condition under Planning Policy Statement 6: Built Heritage 4 (PPS 6:BH4) for archaeological mitigation associated with the proposed development of the site at 11-13 Main Street, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, for a two-storey infill development to provide premises for a proposed Credit Union to include public banking space and ancillary meeting room, following demolition of the existing building (Planning Ref: LA01/2016/0631/F).

A programme of controlled demolition/primary ground reduction works was therefore undertaken within the areas of proposed invasive groundworks at the site.

However, the new building is to be located entirely within the footprint of the existing building and monitoring works confirmed that the groundworks associated with the re-development of the site were undertaken within layers of modern infill associated with the existing buildings.

No archaeological features, remains or deposits were identified within the boundaries of the proposed development area (PDA) during archaeological monitoring works at the site.

Christopher J. Farrimond, FarrimondMacManus Ltd (Derry), 150 Elmvale, Culmore, Derry BT48 8SL.