2016:846 - Knockrobin, Glebe, Wicklow

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Wicklow Site name: Knockrobin, Glebe

Sites and Monuments Record No.: WI025:011/01-04 Licence number: 120015 ext.

Author: Yvonne Whitty

Site type:


ITM: E 32813m, N 19834m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.993610, -6.061944

Monitoring took place, on 23/03/2017, of an area of ground measuring 40m x 30m which was used to store topsoil at the proposed development of a nursing home at Knockrobin, County Wicklow. The proposed development is part of a larger site which adjoins a primary care centre and both sites were monitored and an excavation carried out at the site of the primary care centre in 2013 (12E0015).

No finds or features of archaeological significance were exposed during monitoring.

Unit 10 Riverside Business Centre Tinahely Wicklow