2016:844 - God's Cottage, Glendalough, Wicklow

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Wicklow Site name: God's Cottage, Glendalough

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: C000729, E004652, R000407

Author: Yvonne Whitty

Site type: Medieval


ITM: E 712236m, N 696958m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.010280, -6.061944

Pre-development test trenching took place at the site of a proposed single-story community centre extension to a cottage known as 'God's Cottage' in Glendalough, County Wicklow. A total of eighteen trenches across three areas associated with this development were excavated: the area of the proposed extension, drainage pipe and percolation area.

The archaeology identified comprised a large ditch which was backfilled in the 12th-13th century. A flint scraper was also recovered from one of the test trenches and may indicate prehistoric activity in the environs.

Given the location of the site and the significance of the archaeology identified the development at this location did not proceed.

A new location for a community centre was chosen in the Old Sawmill in an area that was less sensitive archaeologically given the buildings are already extant. Test trenching in 2017 confirmed that no finds or features of archaeological significance would be impacted upon by the development.




Unit 10 Riverside Business Centre Tinahely Wicklow